Before October 13, I had never considered that one of life's biggest leaps starts with an expression of complete humility. Well, on October 13, our oldest asked his girl for her hand in marriage. Mitch has always impressed me, but upon hearing of the events of the proposal, I became well aware that Mitch has "got it goin on!" As I listened to my wife give her ultra detailed recount of the evening's proceedings, I experienced both pride and humility. Proud to call Mitch my son, I am humbled to know that the tender and chivalrous way that abounds in him did not come from me. I know where he got it. Yes Mitch, I am very proud of you. Just as Christ humbly put the needs of the Church before His own, I see you responding the same with your bride to be. I am very excited to see what the Lord has in store for you and Laura!
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