"Today, I promise to not should on myself." What a tough promise to keep. How often do we find ourselves creating a list of things we think we should do in order to earn position in The Kingdom? I should get up before daylight and pray. I should spend time in God's Word. I should give. I should feed the hungry and I should provide shelter for the homeless. I should, I should, I should! ...Agreed. These are not bad things. As a matter of fact, they are Scriptural. But it does lead to a very crucial question that should be wrestled with by every citizen of The Kingdom. What is it that REALLY drives me? What is it that causes me to do the things I do? Is it a belief that I "should do" because that's what it takes? Is it a fear of condemnation? Is it a past that has been riddled with experiences you consider to be unfair? If we are doing all of these good things, but with the wrong motive, we will wear ourselves out under the burden of trying to "earn."
Praise God for His great love and for Jesus on The Cross. For it was there, through His love for us, that Christ turned our "should do's" into "doesn't matters." "It is by grace we have been saved, through faith. And this is not of our own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that we cannot boast." (Ephesians 2:8, 9) In the end, God won't want to hear about all of the things we did for Him. That would be boasting. What He will want to hear is that we were so compelled by His love for us, that it drove us to love Him in return.
Nutshell: What drives you? It should be nothing other than "the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge!" (Ephesians 3:19)
Friday, August 28, 2009
The never ending list of "shoulds".
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Oh Glorious Paradise!

Friday, August 21, 2009
The Beauty of Liberia
After spending a bit of time in Liberia, I have concluded that it takes but a moment to find where the country's true beauty lies. Check it out.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Long Suffering
So, this morning, I had the opportunity to "establish my heart" by expressing patience in a difficult situation (James 5). Nine years ago, in the midst of an incredibly challenging trial, I was given a book on prayer that has become the foundation of my prayer life. Because it has become so important to me, I have done the very best to preserve this book...that is, up until this morning. Well, as I was engaged in my "beach chair prayer" enjoying the beauty of God's presence and creation, with my prayer book in hand, the blessing that I so often find in a cup Starbucks coffee quickly turned into a horrifying curse as it found its way all over my handbook to prayer! It wasn't my fault...never is, right?:) In that instant, my patience was put to the test. I utterly failed. Offering a few choice words with reserved gusto to the listening trees, I brought upon myself the ever-so-familiar experience of the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the resulting confession of my ugly sin. What does it say about a person that can, in one instant, be worshipping the Creator God with Psalm 104, and in the next instant blowing his top?
Here is the painful conclusion. It wasn't the words uttered that hurt my Savior, but the black speck of impatience that continues to stain my heart. "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." Luke 6:45
Here is the painful conclusion. It wasn't the words uttered that hurt my Savior, but the black speck of impatience that continues to stain my heart. "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." Luke 6:45
Blog? Why?
Is having a blog being a bit presumptuous? Does anyone really care about what i think, have to say, what i like, etc.? My concern is this: is blogging really, in the end, all about the blogger and what other people have to say about him/her? Still working through this one:)
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